Day 1 - November 7, 2024, Thursday
13.30-13.45 Opening remarks
Symposium Chair - Ethem Geçim
TSCRS Chair - Feza Karakayalı
13.45-15.20 Session I: Rectal cancer management: State of art
Moderators: Dursun Buğra, Neriman Şengül
13.45-14.00 Colorectal cancer in TURKIYE national data: Statistics, where are we in diagnosis and treatment? - Feza Karakayalı
14.00-14.15 Do we still have problems in the management of rectal cancer? - Erman Aytaç
14.15-14.35 Common language and expectations in rectal anatomy and clinical staging
- Surgeon - İsmail Cem Eray
- Radiologist - Ali Devrim Karaosmanoğlu
14.35-14.50 Challenges in the management of multidisciplinary tumor boards - Ramazan Kozan
14.50-15.05 Current guidelines and recomendations for the management of rectal cancer - Erdinç Çetinkaya
15.05-15.20 Discussion
15.20-15.40 Coffee break
15.40-16.10 Conference I
Chair: İlknur Erenler Bayraktar
Review the results of the taTME phase II NorthAmerican trial - Patricia Sylla
16.10-18.20 Session II: Polyp in the rectum
Moderators: Yılmaz Büyükuncu, Ali Cihat Yıldırım
16.10-16.15 Consensus survey
16.15-16.25 Endoscopic evaluation of rectal polyps - Fevzi Cengiz
16.25-16.55 Polypoid lesion in the rectum
- ESD and EMR - Tahsin Dalgıç
- TAMIS - TEM - Evgeny Rybakov
16.55-17:10 The role of imaging in the management rectal polyps - Gül Ayşe Erden
17.10-17.25 Pathological evaluation: How to do it? - Işınsu Kuzu
17.25-18:05 Let's discuss with cases - Ethem Geçim, Mehmet Ali Koç
Panelistler: Evgeny Rybakov, Patricia Sylla, Tahsin Dalgıç, Fevzi Cengiz, Metin Keskin, Işınsu Kuzu, Gül Ayşe Erden
18.05-18.20 Delphi consensus method - Cihad Tatar
Day 2 - November 8, 2024, Friday
08.30-09.00 Conference II
Chair: Ayhan Kuzu
Defining the next standard of care for early and intermediate stage rectal cancer - Simon Bach
09.00-10.55 Session III: Neoadjuvant treatment in advanced stage rectal tumors
Moderators: Adil Baykan, Fahrettin Acar
09.00-09.05 Consensus survey
09.05-09.20 Chemotherapy applications as part of neoadjuvant treatment - Güngör Utkan
09.20-09.35 Total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT): Better then standard CRT? - Şuayip Yalçın
09.35-09.50 Decision making for radiotherapy in TNT: Short/long term? - Ferah Yıldız
09.50-10.05 Should every patient receive neoadjuvant treatment? - Bülent Erkek
10.05-10:55 Let's discuss with cases - Ayhan Kuzu, Şiyar Ersöz
Panelists: Simon Bach, Bülent Erkek, Feza Karakayalı, Güngor Utkan, Ferah Yıldız, Şuayip Yalçın
10.55-11.15 Coffee break
11.15-13.00 Session IV: How and why I do it: video-based
Moderators: İsmail H. Hamzaoğlu, Ethem Çakcak
11.15-11.20 Consensus survey
11.20-11.35 ESD for rectal lesions - Mehmet Ali Koç
11.35-11.55 Local excision; TEM, TAMIS, and robot - Patricia Sylla
11.55-12.10 Ideal TME: Tips and tricks - Bilgi Baca
12.10-12.25 TTSS - Antonino Spinelli
12.25-12.40 ELAPE - Cihangir Akyol
12.40-13.00 Discussion
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Session V: Approach to controversial cases
Moderators: Bilgi Baca, Yusuf Sevim
14.00-14.20 Rectal cancer, T1-2 after local excision
- I perform TME - Erdinç Kamer
- I administer adjuvant chemoradiation therapy - Ömer Dizdar
14.20-14.40 Radiologically extramesenteric lymph node metastasis; what to do?
Lateral lymph node dissection; indications - Tayfun Bişgin
Para-aortic lymph node dissection; indications - Özgen Işık
14.40-15.10 Synchronous resectable liver metastases: consensus on treatment management
- Neoadjuvant therapy - Güngör Utkan
- Rectum first - Fahrettin Acar
- Liver first - Ahmet Serdar Karaca
15.10-15.30 Discussion
15.30-15.50 Coffee break
15.50-16.20 Conference III
Chair: Feza Karakayalı
'Watch & wait'; from the past to the present - Rodrigo Oliva Perez
16.20-18.35 Session VI: 'Watch & wait': Basic concepts
Moderators: Abdullah Zorluoğlu, İlker Sücüllü
16.20-16.25 Consensus survey
16.25-16.45 Are there selection criterias for WW in patients with rectal cancer before treatment? - Philip Paty
16.45-17.00 How to define complete response? How do we decide? Timing for evaluation? - Simon Bach
17:00-17:15 MRI in evaluation of complete response - Bengi Gürses
17:15-17:30 Endoscopy in evaluation of complete response. Do we need to biopsy in every patient? - Ersin Öztürk
17:30-17:45 Re-staging: Near-complete response; what to do? - Mustafa Öncel
17:45-18:35 Time to making a decision for organ preservation: Case discussions - Emre Balık, İbrahim Özata
Panelists: Dursun Buğra, Rodrigo Oliva Perez, Philip Paty, Ömer Dizdar, Ersin Öztürk, Mustafa Öncel, Ferah Yıldız, Bengi Gürses
Day 3 - November 9, 2024, Saturday
08.30-09.00 Conference IV
Chair: Mehmet Füzün
Watch and wait": the current situation and the outlook for the future - Philip Paty
09.00-11.05 Session VII: 'Watch & wait': issues, dilemmas, current evidence
Moderators: Ayça Gültekin, Erman Aytaç
09.00-09.05 Consensus survey
09.05-09.15 Surveilance schedule: How should it be? Who should follow? - H. Onur Aydın
09.15-09.30 Local regrowth: What is the best surgical method? Local excision vs. TME - Evgeny Rybakov
09.30-09.50 Does regrowth have an impact on oncologic outcomes? - Rodrigo Oliva Perez
09.50-10.00 Metastasis on follow-up: What to do? - Emre Balık
10.00-10.10 Compliance, toxicity and oncologic consequences, and quality of life - Ahmet Rencüzoğulları
10.10-10.25 'Watch & Wait' approach in our country's conditions - Metin Keskin
10.25-11.05 Let's discuss with cases - Rodrigo Oliva Perez, Aras Emre Canda
Panelists: Simon Bach, Bilgi Baca, Cihangir Akyol, Şuayip Yalçın, Wytze Lameris, Bengi Gürses, Gökhan Özyiğit
11.05-11.35 Coffee break
11.35-12.05 Conference V
Chair: Sezai Leventoğlu
What to do with anastomotic leakage - sinus - fistula? - Wytze Lameris
12.05-13.45 Session VIII: Complications and outcomes
Moderators: Ali Akyüz, Timuçin Erol
12.05-12.10 Consensus survey
12.10-12.25 FI and LARS: prevention and treatment - Wytze Lameris
12.25-12.40 Is ileostomy necessary in every patient? When should it be closed? - Osman Bozbıyık
12.40-12.55 Incisional and parastomal hernia: prevention and surgical techniques of repair - Aras Emre Canda
12.55-13.15 Discussion
13.15-13.45 Delphi Consensus survey - İlknur Erenler Bayraktar
13.45-14.00 Closing ceremony